What Should I Feed My Bird?

When it comes to birds, they are very picky. Sometimes they enjoy food that is not exactly the most nutritious for them and that could be a problem. Or other times we think that some other foods are good for them because we see other people feeding their birds with them but, for the contrary, its not the adequate for them! Read More

The Healing Power of Pet Fish

We have constantly heard about the physical and mental health benefits of having a pet like dogs or cats. But many people cannot enjoy these benefits since they suffer allergies to dogs or cats or perhaps they do not have the space, or the time to take care of them. Read More

How to teach your dog to stay home alone?

It can be a source of stress for many dog ​​owners to keep their pet indoors, especially alone since there is no way to know what they are doing when we are not in home. Sometimes they can create small to very big "disasters" if they don't have the adequate supervision. Read More