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What Should I Feed My Bird?

When it comes to birds, they are very picky. Sometimes they enjoy food that is not exactly the most nutritious for them and that could be a problem. Or other times we think that some other foods are good for them because we see other people feeding their birds with them but, for the contrary, its not the adequate for them! All depends of your bird and what your veterinarian say but here is a general list of food to avoid and others to include in your bird’s diet.

One of the type of food that seems obvious to feed your bird pet are seeds and nuts. But what the bird owner don’t not is that birdseeds are too high in energy (fat) and that can translate in overweight, health issues and inappropriate behavior. So the most nutritious to maintain your birds health are:

  • Pellets: Are intended to be nutritionally complete. They come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes, which helps provide variety in the food dish.
  • Vegetables: Your bird’s diet should include fresh vegetables. They favorites are dark, leafy greens, zucchini, broccoli, squash, shredded carrots, snow peas, parsley, cucumbers and Romaine lettuce.
  • Fruit & fiber: While is tastier and healthier, is best to give them in small portions. Favorite fruits include papaya, banana, melon, mango, orange, kiwi, and apple. Also serve your bird a small portion of plain, cooked brown rice, cooked pasta, cooked beans, cooked barley or cooked oats.

The no-no snacks

This is the list of some of the snacks/foods that can be not only dangerous for your bird, but even fatal if ingested:

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Dried Beans
  • Fruit seeds
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions, garlic and chives
  • Tomato leaves

This article was inspired in following publications: What should I feed my bird, Foods birds should avoid and Caring for your bird.

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